Saturday, November 2, 2013

We Can Make a Difference

There are many things in this world that can get you down I want to give you a boost!  I love to read about people helping others and going above and beyond.  Do you like to hear about these things too?  There have been studies done on the human brain that shows how our mind reacts to positive stories and pictures.  There has also been many studies done showing the Pygmalion Effect.  This is in short the ability of a person to raise their IQ by expecting them to perform better and giving them an opportunity to do so.  Click the link to watch the clip it is only six minutes long.

Tell me what you think of this video.  I know it is a little out of date, but the information is what I would like your feedback on.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is Simple

There are times that I try to make things more complex then they really are!  This is especially true when it comes to living the principles of the gospel.  There are really three main things that we need to do on a regular basis the first two need to be at least daily.  They are read the scriptures, say your prayers and go to church.  This is very basic and this is the point.  I need to remind myself if I do these few things it will all be okay and I will not need to have heart attack because I didn't do something.  I am progressing and making improvements each day and this forward progression is what really matters.  This Mormon Message is great for reminding me of what really matters most.  Take a look.

 I know that it is too easy for me to get distracted by all of the things going on around me and I forget that I have a wonderful loving family that is there to support me.  I know that none of us are left alone we all have a big Brother who loves us and will be there for us.  Just go to him in prayer and he will hear you and in do time he will calm your troubled heart and speak the peace to your mind that you need at that time.  Jesus Christ is our Brother and he has a plan for all of us to return to his presence.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

It is better to look up!

One of my most memorable talks from October 2011 LDS General conference was one given by Carl B. Cook of the Seventy.  He explains a time where he feels overwhelmed and what happens to him in the elevator.  I will post the talk so that you are able to watch it. 

This has stuck with me because I often have felt as Elder Cook.  Not sure how I am going to be able to accomplish all that I am to do.  One thing that I forget sometimes is that I am not doing all of this on my own there are many people around me that are more then willing to share in my burdens and there is always one that will be by my side to lift me and He will be there for you too!  I know He will.  He loves us all equally He knows us perfectly and He will send the message or help that you need if you just ask in faith.  This individual is perfect and this his how He can do all of these things He is our Savior and He has felt the pain that you feel and this is how He can speak peace to your mind and calm your troubled heart.  He truly lives!

So remember to look up! And you too will find the peace that can only come from Our Father in Heaven by way of our Savior through the Holy Ghost.